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We Use Flat Rates as much as possible.
We are Authorized for warrantee for over 80 Manufactuers!
We participate and invest annually in training.
We have and continue to invest in proper tooling.
WE PAY TAXES, UTILITIES, and many other items of overhead before we begin to do your work!
Diagnostics is our specialty, and the effort is often overlooked.
Diagnostics also requires more tools, resources and often manhours than just doing the work.
Flat rates do not include the diagnositcs!
Diagnostics: $85.00/HR Service Labor: $75.00/HR
Minimum Charges:(Getting some answers to guide your decisions)
Diagnostic Charges:
Small Tiller controlled Outboards - $60.00
Portable Generators - $60.00
2 cycle Engine Powered Equipment & Electric Pressure Washers - $40.00
All Else - $30.00 (except Starters, Alternators, DC Generators, DC motors - call for advise)
Minimum Pick Up and Delivery Round trip - $70.00